Salem Title Loans
When you are faced with unexpected financial liabilities, it can be hard to gather the right amount of cash. We understand how hard it can be to take control of these situations. In these situations, it is not a good idea to look to a traditional bank or credit union for help. These lenders deal with bigger loans and therefore their loan processes are designed to be much more time-consuming and stressful. With our title loan process, you can get the cash you need in under 24 hours and get preapproved for a loan amount in under 15 minutes.
What Are Title Loans?
Unlike a traditional loan, a title loan is readily available to anyone who is an owner of their vehicle, regardless of your credit score. Car title loans use your vehicle’s title as collateral and are one of the fastest and easiest ways of getting the cash you need to overcome those short-term cash gaps.
Do You Do Credit Checks?
No, we do not look at your financial history in order to approve you for a title loan. Instead, we look at your current ability to meet your monthly payments on time and we look at the value of your vehicle.
How Much Money Can I Get?
Salem residents have access to up to $50,000 based on the value of their vehicle. We offer customized payment plans to ensure your payments are as comfortable for you as possible based on your budget and lifestyle.
Contact Us Today
Salem, Oregon residents in need of fast cash through our simple application process should give Oregon Title Loans a call today. Our team guarantees loan approvals within 15 minutes and deposits the cash in under 24 hours.